Growing Healthy Peas?
A cool season favourite, peas are great whether they are eaten raw or cooked up in an Asian stir-fry. Both snow peas and garden peas are delicious, have similar growing requirements and are easy to grow. They are the ultimate winter treat.
With the onset of winter, we sometimes need a kick start to get out in the garden. The vibrant shades of the hardy Kalanchoe make them the perfect winter warmer.
Winter Flowers
What colour will grow in your garden this Winter? Have no idea? Then refer to our regional zone planting guide! It’s so easy, just locate your zone on the map and discover all the colour you can be enjoying.
Winter Edibles
What will grow in your garden this Winter? Have no idea? Then refer to our temperate zone planting guide! It’s so easy, just locate your zone on the map and discover all the delicious produce you can be enjoying.
Now! is also a great time to fertilize your lawn.
Time to spray lawns for weeds e.g. “Buffalo Master”, Yates “Bindii & Clover Weeder” or for those hard to kill weeds “Dicamba-m” Selective Herbicide. For best results spray in the cool of the evening.